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  • 2024-07-29

How to create an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account

Creating an account is the starting point to provide access to AWS services and resources.

There are a few different ways to create a standalone AWS account. This tutorial will take you through creating a standalone AWS account that isn't managed by AWS organizations. Before we get into the nitty gritty of this account creation, I want to discuss a few key things to remember when creating AWS accounts. In the real world, businesses will use multiple AWS Accounts. With that being said, you can use (and I am not kidding) and infinite amount of them for FREE for at least a year. So when you are creating these accounts, view them as disposable. Throw them away when you don't need them anymore, but make sure you throw them away correctly. If you don't close them correctly, you might get charged. That brings me into the next probably three most important things to remember.

  1.  Secure the account
  2.  Create a budget with billing preferences
  3.  Enable IAM

One last thing, some people might ask how they can make an infinite amount of free tier aws accounts if they use the same credit card number? 

I like to think of it like this. When you're a Solutions Architect (SA) for a small business (less than 50 employees) that is migrating to the cloud, you would want to start out with AWS free tier until you set up a budget, right? As an SA you would want to allow the business to have a production account, testing account and probably multiple development accounts. AWS wants to be able to retain businesses, so allowing these businesses to test Amazons over 100 different services for free using one of these accounts would help not only the business understand each service, but retain each business because they aren't spending an arm and a leg with each new AWS service they want to test. AWS wouldn't be making a smart move by forcing businesses to create accounts based on the CC and IP they are using. It would be better to let businesses create an infinite amount of AWS accounts and only charge the business once they are happy with that service.

Okay, we got that out of the way. Lets do it, lets make our account!

Step 1.  Access the AWS Home Page. Open the Amazon Web Services home page 

Step 2. Would be to Choose Create an AWS account. If you've recently signed in to AWS, you might need to select "Sign in to the Console" first. If "create a new AWS account" isn't visible, choose "Sign in to a different account" and then proceed to create a new account.

Step 3. Enter Account Information: Provide the required account details and click "Verify email address." AWS will send a verification code to the email address you provided. 

    Note: It's recommended to use an email address accessible by a group, especially for business accounts. This ensures that if the individual who created the account leaves the company, access to the AWS account remains intact. Losing access to the email associated with the account means you won't be able to recover the account if the password is forgotten.

Step 4. Verify Email. Enter the verification code sent to your email and click "Verify"

Step 5. Set a Strong Password. Create a strong password for the root user. AWS requires it to be between 8 and 128 characters and include at least three of the following: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers and special characters. The password should not match your AWS account name or email address.

Step 6. Select Account Type: Choose between a Business or Personal account. Both types offer the same features. Enter your company or personal information accordingly. For business accounts, it's best to use a company phone number and an email address that belongs to your organization. Using personal contact details can compromise account security.

Step 7. Accept the AWS CUstomer Agreement. Read and accept the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement.

Step 8. Confirm your Email. Once you click "Continue," you'll receive an email confirming that your AWS account is ready to use. You can sign in using the email address and password you provided. Note that you cannot use AWS services until you complete the account activation.

Step 9 . Add a Payment Method. Enter your payment method details and click "Verify and Continue." If you need a different billing address, choose "Use a new address." You must add a valid payment method to proceed.

Step 10. Phone verification. Enter your country or region code and a phone number where you can be reached. Complete the CAPTCHA, submit, and enter the PIN when the automated system contacts you. This step is crucial for security and fraud prevention, ensuring the account is created by a legitimate user. It also provides a reliable contact method for account recovery and support communication.

Step 11. Choose your Support Plan. Select on of the available AWS Support plans. For details on the different plans, refer to AWS's comparison support plans.

Step 12. Complete your Sign Up. Click "Complete sign up." A confirmation page will indicate that your account is being activated. Check your email, including the spam folder, for an activation message. Account activation typically takes a few minutes but can take up to 24 hours. Once you receive the activation email, you will have full access to all AWS services.

Woah, you did it. You made your first AWS account! CONGRATS!! ðŸŽ‰ Following these steps help set up a robust and reliable account, enabling for smooth operation and access to all AWS services.

If you need assistance, AWS or Mission Oaks Web Designs is here to help. 


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