Owner of Mission Oaks web designs
Mission Oaks Web Designs

Giving Small Businesses The Big Business Head Start

Hi, I'm Jeremy, the proud owner and sole developer of Mission Oaks Web Designs. My journey began with a burning passion for coding, which led me to master the art of crafting websites from scratch.

In working closely with small businesses, a recurring hurdle caught my attention. Many faced tight budgets and investing in a website often led to outdated and uninspiring results. This challenge inspired me to adapt. Hence, I designed my $0 down and $150 a month model, aimed at providing high-quality websites without straining small business finances. Let's collaborate to build an impressive online presence that aligns perfectly with your budget. I am excited to start this journey together!

Quality Over Quantity

We focus on the needs of each individual business and tailor content around what makes it unique. Our collaborative process is very hands on as we work closely with you to create a website you're 100% happy with and not something you just settle for.


No Pre-Written Content

We write unique and engaging content around your company. Everyone is unique!


Unbeatable Customer Service

No automated systems - When you need help the lead developer answers your call.


No Limits On Design

We can edit the design to cater to your tastes. Everything is customizable!


(805) 765-2913

