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  • 2024-08-05

What is Identity and Access Management (IAM) in AWS?

Alright folks, let's break down AWS Idenitity and Access Management (IAM).

IAM in a Nutshell

Imagine IAM as your ultra-secure VIP pass system for AWS. You use IAM to decide who gets into the party and what they can do once they're inside. It's all about managing who signs in (authenticated) and what they can access (authorized).


The Main Player

When you start your AWS journey, you get a superpower identity called the "root user." This root user can do absolutely everything. But, here's the kicker - you should lock up that superpower for emergencies only! Use it sparingly and create other identities (l;like admin, developer, or analyst) for day-to-day tasks. Protect that root user like it's the last piece of pizza at a party.


Playing the Access Game

After setting up users in IAM, they sign in and authenticate. AWS check if their credentials match an IAM user, federated user, IAM role, or application you trust. Then authorization kicks in - AWS checks if they have the green light to access resources. Think of it like a bouncer checking the guest list and permissions at the club entrance. Once authorized, the user can rock the AWS world - launch EC2 instances, modify groups, delete S3 buckets - you name it. 


Always Available but Be Patient

IAM, like a reliable but sometimes slow-moving friend, is eventually consistent. Changes (like creating users or updating policies) need to ripple through the AWS universe. Don't expect immediate results; give it a little time. Just don't put these changes in the crucial, high-speed parts of your app. Make them during setup or when you can afford a brief pause.


Cost Info

Good news! IAM, AWS IAM Identity Center, and AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS) come at no extra charge. You only pay for the other AWS services you access using your IAM credentials. IAM Access Analyzer is free too, unless you dig deep into unused access analysis and customer policy checks. 


Interconnected World

IAM is like the universal translator in sci-fi movies, seamlessly integrated with loads of AWS services. Check out a list of services that play nice with IAM:

  • Amazon S3: Your go-to for storing everything from cat pics to critical data, all locked down with IAM.
  • Amazon EC2: Spinning up virtual servers? IAM's got your back on who gets to play.
  • AWS Lambda: Running code without servers? IAM decides who can push the magic button.
  • Amazon RDS: Databases galore, with IAM making sure only the right folks have the keys.
  • AWS CloudFormation: Building and managing your AWS infrastructure like a pro, with IAM handling the access controls.

So, let IAM be the bouncer at your AWS party, making sure only the right guests get in and have fun!

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